The following output was generated by the AO Inventory System.
Linked database information courtesy of
Report created 3.9.2005 at 10:48:39

Quest Items
QL 199 Instruction Disc (A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain)
QL 199 Instruction Disc (A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain)
QL 199 Instruction Disc (A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain) (71)
QL 199 Instruction Disc (A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain) (78)
QL 199 Instruction Disc (A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain)
QL 199 Instruction Disc (A DCSD containing 1 BBI Minami-90 Sticky Love Rain)

QL 95 Mech. Engi Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm) (26)
QL 102 Concealment Cluster - Faded (Eye) (26)
QL 104 Fling Shot Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand) (26)
QL 106 % Add All Off Jobe Cluster - Bright (Right-Arm) (26)
QL 110 Mult. Melee Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist)
QL 110 Weapon Smt Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 113 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Faded (Waist) (26)
QL 113 Fast Attack Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 113 Nano Pool Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 113 Time & Space Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand) (14)
QL 114 Assault Rif Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 114 Bio.Metamor Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 114 Elec. Engi Cluster - Bright (Head) (26)
QL 114 Sense Cluster - Bright (Waist)
QL 115 Adventuring Cluster - Shiny (Leg)
QL 115 Tutoring Cluster - Bright (Ear)
QL 116 Strength Cluster - Faded (Chest) (26)
QL 117 Duck-Exp Cluster - Shiny (Leg)
QL 117 Max Nano Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 118 2h Edged Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 118 Nano Pool Cluster - Faded (Waist) (14)
QL 118 Stamina Cluster - Bright (Leg)
QL 119 Sense Cluster - Shiny (Chest)
QL 120 Full Auto Cluster - Faded (Waist) (26)
QL 122 2h Blunt Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 123 Nano Progra Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand) (26)
QL 123 Pharma Tech Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 123 Psycho Modi Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 125 Bio.Metamor Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 125 Comp. Liter Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand) (14)
QL 126 Brawling Cluster - Bright (Right-Arm) (26)
QL 127 Bow Spc Att Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 127 NanoC. Init Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 127 Physic. Init Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 127 Riposte Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 128 Chemical AC Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 128 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 129 Fling Shot Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 129 NanoC. Init Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 129 Physic. Init Cluster - Shiny (Feet)
QL 130 Energy AC Cluster - Faded (Waist) (14)
QL 130 Full Auto Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 130 Heavy Weapons Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand) (14)
QL 130 Matt.Metam Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 131 Brawling Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 131 Time & Space Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 132 Intelligence Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 132 Perception Cluster - Shiny (Ear)
QL 132 Treatment Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 132 Treatment Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 134 Parry Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 135 Psycho Modi Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 136 Radiation AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 138 Disease AC Cluster - Bright (Leg)
QL 138 Time & Space Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand) (45)
QL 139 Body Dev Cluster - Faded (Leg)
QL 139 Full Auto Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 139 Time & Space Cluster - Faded (Eye) (14)
QL 139 Time & Space Cluster - Shiny (Head) (14)
QL 140 Melee/Ma AC Cluster - Faded (Leg)
QL 141 Cold AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 141 Dimach Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 141 Fling Shot Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 142 Brawling Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 142 Comp. Liter Cluster - Shiny (Head) (45)
QL 142 Treatment Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 143 Nano Resist Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 144 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 144 Psycho Modi Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 144 Psychology Cluster - Bright (Ear)
QL 144 Shotgun Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 145 Melee/Ma AC Cluster - Shiny (Chest)
QL 145 Psycho Modi Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 146 Multi Ranged Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 147 Chemical AC Cluster - Bright (Right-Arm)
QL 147 Comp. Liter Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 147 Treatment Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand) (45)
QL 148 1h Edged Weapon Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 148 Assault Rif Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 148 Ranged. Init Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 149 Max Nano Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 149 Max Nano Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 149 Nano Progra Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 149 Ranged. Init Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 149 Sense Cluster - Faded (Head)
QL 150 Intelligence Cluster - Shiny (Head) (45)
QL 150 Time & Space Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 150 Treatment Cluster - Shiny (Head) (12)
QL 151 Nano Pool Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 152 Duck-Exp Cluster - Faded (Feet)
QL 152 Matt.Metam Cluster - Shiny (Head) (65)
QL 152 Mech. Engi Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 152 Physic. Init Cluster - Bright (Right-Arm)
QL 153 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 154 Matt.Metam Cluster - Bright (Chest)
QL 154 Nano Pool Cluster - Faded (Waist) (12)
QL 155 Assault Rif Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 155 Comp. Liter Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 155 Nano Pool Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 156 Chemical AC Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 156 Full Auto Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 156 Perception Cluster - Shiny (Ear)
QL 156 Treatment Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand) (12)
QL 156 Weapon Smt Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 158 Burst Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand) (45)
QL 158 Cold AC Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 160 Assault Rif Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 160 Body Dev Cluster - Bright (Waist)
QL 160 Fling Shot Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist) (14)
QL 160 Pharma Tech Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 161 % Add. Poison Dam. Refined Jobe Cluster - Shiny (Right-Hand)
QL 161 Chemical AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 161 Dodge-Rng Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 161 Melee/Ma AC Cluster - Faded (Leg)
QL 161 Stamina Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 161 Strength Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 161 Weapon Smt Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 162 % Add All Def. Jobe Cluster - Shiny (Left-Arm)
QL 162 Shotgun Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 162 Strength Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 163 Multi Ranged Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 163 Sensory Impr Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 164 NanoC. Init Cluster - Bright (Eye) (45)
QL 164 Psycho Modi Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 165 Dimach Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 165 Imp/Proj AC Cluster - Bright (Chest)
QL 165 Nano Pool Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 165 Riposte Cluster - Shiny (Right-Wrist)
QL 165 Shield Chemical AC Jobe Cluster - Bright (Feet)
QL 166 Dodge-Rng Cluster - Bright (Feet)
QL 166 Parry Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 166 Sensory Impr Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 166 Shotgun Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 167 Comp. Liter Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand) (66)
QL 167 Nano Resist Cluster - Faded (Left-Wrist)
QL 168 1h Blunt Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 168 Body Dev Cluster - Faded (Leg)
QL 168 Matter Crea Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 168 Multi Ranged Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 168 Nano Formula Interrupt Modifier Jobe Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 168 Parry Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 168 Psychic Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 168 Psycho Modi Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 168 Weapon Smt Cluster - Shiny (Right-Hand)
QL 169 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear) (45)
QL 170 Bio.Metamor Cluster - Bright (Chest)
QL 171 Dimach Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 171 Multi Ranged Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 172 MG / SMG Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 172 Max Nano Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 172 Riposte Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 173 Aimed Shot Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 173 Matt.Metam Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 173 Quantum FT Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 174 Full Auto Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 174 Nano Pool Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 174 Shield Poison AC Jobe Cluster - Bright (Feet) (45)
QL 175 1h Edged Weapon Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 175 Agility Cluster - Shiny (Leg) (68)
QL 175 Aimed Shot Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 175 Fling Shot Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist)
QL 175 Parry Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 176 Burst Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 176 Mech. Engi Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 176 Shotgun Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 176 Shotgun Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 177 Nano Pool Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 177 Psycho Modi Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 177 Strength Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 178 Dimach Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 178 Fire AC Cluster - Bright (Left-Hand)
QL 178 Melee/Ma AC Cluster - Shiny (Chest)
QL 178 Nano Progra Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 178 Perception Cluster - Faded (Head)
QL 179 2h Edged Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 179 Stamina Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 180 Burst Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm) (45)
QL 180 Comp. Liter Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 180 Elec. Engi Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 180 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 180 Intelligence Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 180 Multi Ranged Cluster - Shiny (Left-Wrist)
QL 180 Pistol Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 180 Psychic Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 180 Sense Cluster - Shiny (Chest)
QL 180 Swimming Cluster - Bright (Right-Arm)
QL 180 Treatment Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 181 Chemical AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 181 Fling Shot Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 182 Assault Rif Cluster - Faded (Eye) (67)
QL 182 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear) (65)
QL 183 Mult. Melee Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist)
QL 183 Time & Space Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 184 Chemistry Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 184 Intelligence Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 184 Sharp Obj Cluster - Shiny (Right-Wrist)
QL 186 1h Blunt Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 186 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 186 Fire AC Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 186 Map Navig Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 186 Time & Space Cluster - Shiny (Head) (67)
QL 187 Agility Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 187 Quantum FT Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 188 Assault Rif Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 188 Bio.Metamor Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 188 Energy AC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 188 NanoC. Init Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 188 Quantum FT Cluster - Shiny (Head) (59)
QL 188 Shield Melee AC Jobe Cluster - Shiny (Left-Hand)
QL 189 Comp. Liter Cluster - Shiny (Head) (75)
QL 190 % Add All Off Jobe Cluster - Bright (Right-Arm) (12)
QL 190 Break & Entry Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 190 Ranged. Init Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand) (14)
QL 191 % Add. Xp Jobe Cluster - Bright (Feet) (12)
QL 192 2h Edged Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 192 Assault Rif Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 192 Duck-Exp Cluster - Bright (Waist)
QL 192 Fling Shot Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist)
QL 192 Full Auto Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 192 Imp/Proj AC Cluster - Bright (Chest)
QL 192 Parry Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 192 Pharma Tech Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 192 Sneak Atck Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 193 1h Edged Weapon Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 193 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 193 Fast Attack Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 194 1h Edged Weapon Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 194 Adventuring Cluster - Bright (Waist)
QL 194 Aimed Shot Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 194 Chemistry Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 194 Nano Progra Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 194 Piercing Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 194 Radiation AC Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 194 Strength Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 194 Treatment Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 195 Break & Entry Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 195 Chemical AC Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm) (59)
QL 195 Ranged. Init Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand) (45)
QL 195 Sensory Impr Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 195 Stamina Cluster - Faded (Waist) (60)
QL 196 % Add All Def. Jobe Cluster - Faded (Feet)
QL 196 Pistol Cluster - Shiny (Right-Wrist) (60)
QL 196 Psychic Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 197 Dodge-Rng Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 197 Fling Shot Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist) (45)
QL 197 Nano Pool Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 197 Tutoring Cluster - Faded (Head)
QL 198 Bow Spc Att Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist)
QL 198 Dodge-Rng Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 198 MG / SMG Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 198 Map Navig Cluster - Shiny (Eye)
QL 198 Martial Arts Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand)
QL 198 Shotgun Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 198 Shotgun Cluster - Faded (Waist) (45)
QL 199 Sense Cluster - Bright (Waist)
QL 199 Shotgun Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 199 Time & Space Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 2h Blunt Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 200 2h Edged Cluster - Bright (Left-Arm)
QL 200 2h Edged Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 A Bright NanoCluster of Nano Regeneration
QL 200 Agility Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Aimed Shot Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 200 Bio.Metamor Cluster - Bright (Chest)
QL 200 Brawling Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Chemical AC Cluster - Shiny (Waist) (45)
QL 200 Chemistry Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Chemistry Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Comp. Liter Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 200 Dimach Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Dodge-Rng Cluster - Bright (Feet)
QL 200 Dodge-Rng Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Energy AC Cluster - Shiny (Chest)
QL 200 Energy AC Cluster - Shiny (Chest) (45)
QL 200 Evade-ClsC Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Fling Shot Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Fling Shot Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist) (64)
QL 200 Full Auto Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 200 Full Auto Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Full Auto Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 200 Intelligence Cluster - Faded (Ear) (67)
QL 200 Intelligence Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 200 MG / SMG Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 200 MG / SMG Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 200 Map Navig Cluster - Bright (Head) (68)
QL 200 Map Navig Cluster - Shiny (Eye)
QL 200 Martial Arts Cluster - Shiny (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Matter Crea Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Matter Crea Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Matter Crea Cluster - Faded (Eye) (66)
QL 200 Max Nano Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 200 Melee. Init Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Melee. Init Cluster - Shiny (Feet)
QL 200 Mult. Melee Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist)
QL 200 Nano Pool Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 200 Nano Resist Cluster - Faded (Left-Wrist)
QL 200 NanoC. Init Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 200 Physic. Init Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 200 Physic. Init Cluster - Faded (Left-Arm)
QL 200 Piercing Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 200 Psychic Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 200 Psychology Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Radiation AC Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 200 Radiation AC Cluster - Faded (Right-Arm)
QL 200 Ranged Ener Cluster - Faded (Left-Hand) (65)
QL 200 Rifle Cluster - Faded (Left-Wrist) (60)
QL 200 Sharp Obj Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Shotgun Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 200 Stamina Cluster - Faded (Waist)
QL 200 Time & Space Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 200 Trap Disarm Cluster - Faded (Head)
QL 200 Tutoring Cluster - Bright (Ear)
QL 200 Tutoring Cluster - Faded (Head) (59)
QL 201 2h Edged Refined Cluster - Bright (Left-Arm)
QL 201 Bio.Metamor Refined Cluster - Shiny (Head) (45)
QL 201 Energy AC Refined Cluster - Shiny (Chest)
QL 201 Mech. Engi Refined Cluster - Shiny (Head) (63)
QL 201 Psychology Refined Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 202 2h Blunt Refined Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 202 Burst Refined Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist) (64)
QL 202 Chemical AC Refined Cluster - Bright (Right-Arm) (45)
QL 202 Heavy Weapons Refined Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 202 Intelligence Refined Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 202 Max Nano Refined Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 202 Ranged. Init Refined Cluster - Bright (Head)
QL 202 Ranged. Init Refined Cluster - Shiny (Right-Wrist)
QL 203 Assault Rif Refined Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand) (64)
QL 203 Disease AC Refined Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 203 Fling Shot Refined Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm) (64)
QL 203 Stamina Refined Cluster - Shiny (Chest)
QL 204 Adventuring Refined Cluster - Faded (Chest)
QL 204 Body Dev Refined Cluster - Shiny (Chest)
QL 204 Chemical AC Refined Cluster - Bright (Right-Arm)
QL 204 Fire AC Refined Cluster - Bright (Left-Hand)
QL 204 Fling Shot Refined Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm) (65)
QL 204 Nano Progra Refined Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 204 NanoC. Init Refined Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 204 Pharma Tech Refined Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 205 % Add. Poison Dam. Refined Jobe Cluster - Shiny (Right-Hand) (45)
QL 205 Assault Rif Refined Cluster - Faded (Eye)
QL 205 Bow Refined Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm) (45)
QL 205 Evade-ClsC Refined Cluster - Bright (Leg) (63)
QL 205 Fire AC Refined Cluster - Shiny (Waist)
QL 205 Full Auto Refined Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 205 Intelligence Refined Cluster - Faded (Ear)
QL 205 Matter Crea Refined Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 205 Sharp Obj Refined Cluster - Shiny (Right-Wrist)
QL 206 Pistol Refined Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 206 Trap Disarm Refined Cluster - Bright (Left-Hand)
QL 207 Assault Rif Refined Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 207 Quantum FT Refined Cluster - Shiny (Head) (45)
QL 207 Rifle Refined Cluster - Shiny (Eye)
QL 207 Shield Melee AC Refined Jobe Cluster - Faded (Left-Wrist) (45)
QL 207 Vehicle Grnd Refined Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 208 Fling Shot Refined Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 209 Bio.Metamor Refined Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 209 Multi Ranged Refined Cluster - Bright (Right-Wrist)
QL 210 Nano Progra Refined Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 211 Ranged Ener Refined Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 212 Intelligence Refined Cluster - Faded (Ear) (63)
QL 212 Matter Crea Refined Cluster - Shiny (Head)
QL 212 Nano Progra Refined Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 212 Pharma Tech Refined Cluster - Faded (Right-Hand)
QL 212 Stamina Refined Cluster - Bright (Leg) (68)
QL 213 % Add. Poison Dam. Refined Jobe Cluster - Faded (Right-Wrist)
QL 213 Stamina Refined Cluster - Faded (Waist) (66)
QL 214 % Add.Rad. Dam. Refined Jobe Cluster - Bright (Left-Wrist) (67)
QL 214 Melee/Ma AC Refined Cluster - Faded (Leg)
QL 215 Sensory Impr Refined Cluster - Bright (Eye)
QL 216 Assault Rif Refined Cluster - Bright (Right-Hand)
QL 216 Bow Refined Cluster - Shiny (Right-Arm)
QL 217 Stamina Refined Cluster - Shiny (Chest)

QL 60 Instruction Disc (Intrusive Aura of Entanglement) (61)
QL 62 Instruction Disc (Bypass Limitations) (62)
QL 71 Instruction Disc (Lesser Exoskeleton Pulse) (62)
QL 72 Instruction Disc (Sloughing Protective Barrier)
QL 77 Instruction Disc (Vaccine of Ransacking) (16)
QL 77 Instruction Disc (Vaccine of Ransacking)
QL 77 Instruction Disc (Vaccine of Ransacking) (41)
QL 78 Instruction Disc (Beseech Freedom) (49)
QL 83 Instruction Disc (Coherent Sloughing Protective Barrier) (47)
QL 84 Instruction Disc (Polarized Screening) (61)
QL 88 Instruction Disc (Fluctuate Manifestation) (30)
QL 102 Instruction Disc (Lesser Conductive Spike) (49)
QL 109 Instruction Disc (Circumvent Restrictions) (55)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Vaccine of Deprivation) (55)
QL 120 Instruction Disc (Writ of Passage) (89)
QL 121 Instruction Disc (Imminent Storm) (70)
QL 141 Instruction Disc (Sloughing Shielding Field) (69)
QL 145 Instruction Disc (Fluctuate Gridspace) (56)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Evade Responsibility) (88)
QL 160 Instruction Disc (Bought Indulgence) (57)
QL 199 Instruction Disc (Intrusive Aura of the Humble Servant) (57)
QL 229 Crystalline Disk (89)

QL 181 A Shining NanoCluster of Nano Regeneration (59)

QL 10 NanoCrystal (Cyclic Frost With Snow) (80)
QL 17 NanoCrystal (Cyclic Jacket of Blades) (80)
QL 30 Nano Crystal (Sparrow Flight (Other)) (09)
QL 47 NanoCrystal (Ballad of Smoke) (09)
QL 47 NanoCrystal (Ballad of Smoke) (09)
QL 47 NanoCrystal (Wind Slicer) (02)
QL 47 NanoCrystal (Wind Slicer) (09)
QL 50 Instruction Disc (Blissful Calm) (16)
QL 53 Instruction Disc (Lupus Oculus) (15)
QL 57 Instruction Disc (Lure of the Pincushion) (16)
QL 57 Instruction Disc (Lure of the Pincushion) (62)
QL 57 NanoCrystal (Lure of the Pincushion) (02)
QL 64 Instruction Disc (Restore to Health)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Pack Hunter) (56)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Pack Hunter) (61)
QL 66 NanoCrystal (Cyclic Fiery Wrap) (01)
QL 66 NanoCrystal (Pack Hunter) (02)
QL 66 NanoCrystal (Pack Hunter) (02)
QL 66 NanoCrystal (Pack Hunter)
QL 66 NanoCrystal (Pack Hunter) (11)
QL 66 NanoCrystal (Pack Hunter) (80)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Playful Cub (Team)) (15)
QL 70 Nano Crystal (Major Wilderness Protection)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Sharpen Claws) (62)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Sharpen Claws) (62)
QL 80 NanoCrystal (Sharpen Claws) (11)
QL 80 NanoCrystal (Sharpen Claws) (61)
QL 80 NanoCrystal (Sharpen Claws) (64)
QL 80 NanoCrystal (Sharpen Claws) (80)
QL 83 NanoCrystal (Cyclic Arctic Gale) (01)
QL 86 Instruction Disc (Minor Lick Wounds) (25)
QL 86 Nano Crystal (Minor Lick Wounds) (80)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Zephyr from the Grove) (20)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Zephyr from the Grove) (49)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Zephyr from the Grove) (67)
QL 90 NanoCrystal (Cyclic Guard of the Grizzly) (01)
QL 90 NanoCrystal (Zephyr from the Grove) (05)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Fangs of the Snake) (14)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Fangs of the Snake) (52)
QL 99 Instruction Disc (Ballad of the Desperado) (20)
QL 99 Nano Crystal (Flurry of Feathers (Other))
QL 99 NanoCrystal (Ballad of the Desperado) (41)
QL 99 NanoCrystal (Ballad of the Desperado) (41)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Anger of the Porcupine) (73)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Bite of the Wind) (24)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Vision of the Wolf) (24)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Vision of the Wolf) (25)
QL 103 NanoCrystal (Anger of the Porcupine) (05)
QL 103 NanoCrystal (Anger of the Porcupine) (73)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Leetas Friend) (26)
QL 109 Instruction Disc (Magma Coating) (24)
QL 113 Instruction Disc (Team Eagle Eye)
QL 116 Instruction Disc (Toothy Grin)
QL 116 Instruction Disc (Toothy Grin) (26)
QL 116 Instruction Disc (Toothy Grin) (26)
QL 116 Instruction Disc (Toothy Grin) (58)
QL 116 Nano Crystal (Survival of the Fittest)
QL 116 NanoCrystal (Toothy Grin) (03)
QL 116 NanoCrystal (Toothy Grin)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Lesser Lick Wounds) (20)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Lesser Lick Wounds)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Lesser Lick Wounds)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Lesser Lick Wounds) (70)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Lesser Lick Wounds) (73)
QL 119 Nano Crystal (Lesser Lick Wounds) (03)
QL 119 Nano Crystal (Lesser Lick Wounds) (05)
QL 119 Nano Crystal (Lesser Lick Wounds) (55)
QL 119 Nano Crystal (Lesser Lick Wounds) (55)
QL 119 Nano Crystal (Lesser Lick Wounds) (57)
QL 119 Nano Crystal (Lesser Lick Wounds) (70)
QL 120 Nano Crystal (A Clear View of Penumbra)
QL 123 Nano Crystal (Supreme Wilderness Protection)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Howl of the Wolf)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Howl of the Wolf) (70)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Howl of the Wolf) (70)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Howl of the Wolf) (73)
QL 126 NanoCrystal (Howl of the Wolf) (54)
QL 126 NanoCrystal (Howl of the Wolf) (56)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Dichotomy of Nature) (12)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Dichotomy of Nature)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Dichotomy of Nature) (30)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Dichotomy of Nature) (48)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Gaze of the Hunter)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Gaze of the Hunter)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Tranquility of the Vale)
QL 139 NanoCrystal (Dichotomy of Nature) (01)
QL 139 NanoCrystal (Tranquility of the Vale) (69)
QL 139 NanoCrystal (Tranquility of the Vale) (73)
QL 139 NanoCrystal (Tranquility of the Vale) (80)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Ballad of the Pistolero) (30)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Ballad of the Pistolero)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Stormedge)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Stormedge) (47)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Thorn of the Rose)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Thorn of the Rose)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Thorn of the Rose) (52)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Thorn of the Rose)
QL 142 Nano Crystal (Greater Encourage Regrowth) (58)
QL 142 NanoCrystal (Ballad of the Pistolero)
QL 142 NanoCrystal (Thorn of the Rose) (69)
QL 143 Instruction Disc (Flawless Stitching) (48)
QL 143 Nano Crystal (Flawless Stitching)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Advanced Survival Technique)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Advanced Survival Technique)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Advanced Survival Technique)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Feline Rage) (53)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Feline Rage) (54)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Feline Rage) (55)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Feline Rage) (56)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Feline Rage) (59)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Lick Wounds)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Lick Wounds)
QL 146 NanoCrystal (Feline Rage) (69)
QL 149 Nano Crystal (Calia's Form: Parrot)
QL 149 Nano Crystal (Lick Wounds) (69)
QL 149 Nano Crystal (Lick Wounds)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Friend of the Wild) (69)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Friend of the Wild) (88)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Leader of the Pack) (53)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Leader of the Pack) (63)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Lightning's Child) (71)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Soleet Friend) (72)
QL 152 Nano Crystal (Calia's Form: Parrot (Other)) (78)
QL 152 NanoCrystal (Leader of the Pack)
QL 152 NanoCrystal (Leader of the Pack) (11)
QL 152 NanoCrystal (Leader of the Pack) (69)
QL 152 NanoCrystal (Leader of the Pack)
QL 153 Instruction Disc (Implacability of Life)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Blur of Claws)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Blur of Claws) (52)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Blur of Claws) (53)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Blur of Claws) (57)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Blur of Claws) (68)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Blur of Claws) (71)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Blur of Claws)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Calia's Form: Wolf (Other))
QL 159 NanoCrystal (Blur of Claws)
QL 159 NanoCrystal (Blur of Claws) (56)
QL 159 NanoCrystal (Blur of Claws) (57)
QL 159 NanoCrystal (Blur of Claws) (57)
QL 159 NanoCrystal (Blur of Claws) (75)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Greater Lick Wounds)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Greater Lick Wounds)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Greater Lick Wounds)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Greater Lick Wounds) (70)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Greater Lick Wounds) (72)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Greater Lick Wounds) (72)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Greater Lick Wounds) (75)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Greater Lick Wounds) (78)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Nature's Blessing)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Stare of Cerberus)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Stare of Cerberus) (57)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Stare of Cerberus) (78)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Wings of the Phoenix) (65)
QL 162 Nano Crystal (Nature's Blessing)
QL 162 NanoCrystal (Stare of Cerberus) (01)
QL 162 NanoCrystal (Stare of Cerberus) (56)
QL 162 NanoCrystal (Stare of Cerberus) (59)
QL 162 NanoCrystal (Stare of Cerberus) (88)
QL 165 Instruction Disc (Calia's Form: Sabretooth (Other))
QL 165 Instruction Disc (Dance of the Dervish) (66)
QL 166 Nano Crystal (Greater Lick Wounds) (69)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Ballad of the Plains Wanderer) (12)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Ballad of the Plains Wanderer)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Ballad of the Plains Wanderer)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Ballad of the Plains Wanderer) (52)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Ballad of the Plains Wanderer) (55)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Ballad of the Plains Wanderer) (71)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Division of the Winds)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Division of the Winds)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Division of the Winds) (63)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Division of the Winds) (75)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Vengeance of Nature) (30)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Vengeance of Nature) (53)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Vengeance of Nature) (54)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Vengeance of Nature) (65)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Vengeance of Nature) (66)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Vengeance of Nature) (71)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Calia's Form: Pit Lizard)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Incinerate) (12)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Incinerate) (48)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Incinerate) (52)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Incinerate) (65)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Incinerate)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Incinerate)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Incinerate)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Incinerate)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Incinerate) (89)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Serene Sky) (28)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Serene Sky)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Serene Sky)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Serene Sky)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Serene Sky)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Serene Sky)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Serene Sky)
QL 172 NanoCrystal (Incinerate) (01)
QL 172 NanoCrystal (Incinerate) (60)
QL 172 NanoCrystal (Incinerate)
QL 172 NanoCrystal (Incinerate)
QL 172 NanoCrystal (Incinerate) (88)
QL 172 NanoCrystal (Serene Sky) (01)
QL 172 NanoCrystal (Serene Sky) (80)
QL 172 NanoCrystal (Serene Sky)
QL 172 NanoCrystal (Serene Sky)
QL 172 NanoCrystal (Serene Sky)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Calia's Form: Pit Lizard (Other))
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Corrosive Cloud) (55)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Corrosive Cloud) (59)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Corrosive Cloud) (72)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Corrosive Cloud)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Corrosive Cloud)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Corrosive Cloud)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Corrosive Cloud)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Corrosive Cloud)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Corrosive Cloud)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur) (28)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur) (30)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur) (30)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur) (53)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur) (54)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur) (69)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur) (72)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur) (75)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Fur)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur) (11)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur) (55)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur) (55)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur) (55)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur) (75)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur) (80)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (12)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (30)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (47)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (49)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (52)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (57)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (58)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (59)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (60)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (60)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (63)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (63)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (63)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (64)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (68)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (70)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout) (78)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Flamespout)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (30)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (30)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (47)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (47)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (47)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (48)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (48)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (49)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (49)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (54)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (54)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (58)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (58)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (59)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (59)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (60)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (60)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (63)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (63)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (65)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (65)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (65)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (66)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (66)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (67)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (68)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (71)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (72)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (73)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (78)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Kin of Tarasque) (89)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (47)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (48)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (54)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (55)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (56)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (58)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (59)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (59)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (60)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (63)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (63)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (63)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (65)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (65)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (65)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (66)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (68)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (68)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (68)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (68)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (70)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (70)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (89)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Superior Lick Wounds) (89)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (11)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (11)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (41)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (55)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (55)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (60)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (60)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (60)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (68)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (73)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque) (75)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Knowledge of The End) (01)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Knowledge of The End) (72)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Knowledge of The End)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Knowledge of The End) (89)

QL 24 NanoCrystal (Total Concentration) (09)
QL 24 NanoCrystal (Total Concentration) (09)
QL 40 Instruction Disc (Sureshot) (49)
QL 40 NanoCrystal (Sureshot) (09)
QL 47 Instruction Disc (Brief Interrogation) (47)
QL 53 Instruction Disc (Training of The Executioner) (49)
QL 53 Instruction Disc (Training of The Executioner) (70)
QL 53 NanoCrystal (Training of The Executioner) (11)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Delay the Inevitable) (15)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Greater Detain Suspect)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Greater Detain Suspect) (61)
QL 66 NanoCrystal (Blanket of Shadows) (09)
QL 66 NanoCrystal (Blanket of Shadows) (61)
QL 66 NanoCrystal (Blanket of Shadows) (62)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Utter Concentration) (59)
QL 73 NanoCrystal (Utter Concentration) (61)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Trueshot)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Trueshot) (47)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Trueshot) (52)
QL 76 NanoCrystal (Trueshot)
QL 76 NanoCrystal (Trueshot)
QL 76 NanoCrystal (Trueshot) (11)
QL 77 Instruction Disc (Face Graft) (64)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Major Nano Augmentation) (24)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Assume Profession: Engineer) (16)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Assume Profession: Engineer)
QL 90 Nano Crystal (Assume Profession: Engineer) (05)
QL 90 Nano Crystal (Assume Profession: Engineer) (09)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Guidance of The Executioner) (20)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Guidance of The Executioner) (48)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Guidance of The Executioner) (59)
QL 93 NanoCrystal (Guidance of The Executioner)
QL 93 NanoCrystal (Guidance of The Executioner) (05)
QL 94 NanoCrystal (Grim Circumstance)
QL 96 Instruction Disc (Assume Profession: Fixer) (24)
QL 96 Instruction Disc (Ruse of Taren - Phase 2)
QL 106 Nano Crystal (Greater Anatomy Lesson) (05)
QL 109 Instruction Disc (Assume Profession: Bureaucrat) (62)
QL 113 Instruction Disc (Assume Profession: Meta-Physicist) (71)
QL 119 Nano Crystal (Assume Profession: Nanotechnician) (05)
QL 119 Nano Crystal (Assume Profession: Nanotechnician) (05)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Enhanced Sureshot) (14)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Enhanced Sureshot)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Enhanced Sureshot)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Enhanced Sureshot) (70)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Enhanced Sureshot) (73)
QL 126 NanoCrystal (Enhanced Sureshot) (03)
QL 126 NanoCrystal (Enhanced Sureshot) (73)
QL 129 Instruction Disc (Cloak of Night)
QL 129 Instruction Disc (Cloak of Night) (57)
QL 129 NanoCrystal (Cloak of Night)
QL 129 NanoCrystal (Cloak of Night) (54)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Steps of The Executioner) (58)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Steps of The Executioner) (69)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Steps of The Executioner) (70)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Steps of The Executioner) (72)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Steps of The Executioner) (72)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Steps of The Executioner) (73)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Steps of The Executioner) (88)
QL 132 NanoCrystal (Steps of The Executioner) (69)
QL 132 NanoCrystal (Steps of The Executioner) (72)
QL 132 NanoCrystal (Steps of The Executioner) (73)
QL 136 Instruction Disc (Death's Knocking)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Absolute Concentration)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Absolute Concentration) (56)
QL 142 NanoCrystal (Absolute Concentration) (03)
QL 142 NanoCrystal (Absolute Concentration)
QL 142 NanoCrystal (Absolute Concentration) (78)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Enhanced Trueshot)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Enhanced Trueshot) (56)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Enhanced Trueshot) (58)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Mimic Profession: Soldier)
QL 146 NanoCrystal (Enhanced Trueshot)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Greater Death's Knocking)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Mimic Profession: Martial Artist)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Path of The Executioner) (12)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Path of The Executioner)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Path of The Executioner) (58)
QL 149 NanoCrystal (Path of The Executioner) (01)
QL 149 NanoCrystal (Path of The Executioner)
QL 149 NanoCrystal (Path of The Executioner) (54)
QL 150 Instruction Disc (Advanced Face Graft)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Mimic Profession: Trader) (53)
QL 162 Nano Crystal (Ruse of Taren - Phase 3)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Delayed Assassin)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Gnat's Wing)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Gnat's Wing) (47)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Gnat's Wing)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Gnat's Wing) (52)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Gnat's Wing) (57)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Gnat's Wing) (58)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Gnat's Wing)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Gnat's Wing) (88)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Meld With Background) (12)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Meld With Background)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Meld With Background)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Meld With Background)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Meld With Background)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Mimic Profession: Nanotechnician) (89)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Meld With Background) (55)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Meld With Background) (56)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Meld With Background) (56)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Meld With Background)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Meld With Background)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner) (28)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner) (30)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner) (49)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner) (52)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner) (52)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner) (53)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner) (57)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner) (69)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner) (78)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Form of The Executioner) (88)

QL 36 NanoCrystal (Request Freedom) (09)
QL 37 Instruction Disc (Lesser Weighty Announcement) (16)
QL 43 Instruction Disc (Director-Grade Attendant-Droid)
QL 53 Instruction Disc (Faithful Assistant-Droid) (15)
QL 53 Instruction Disc (Faithful Assistant-Droid) (52)
QL 63 Nano Crystal (Solicit Support)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Corporate Leadership: Dispensation)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Droid Repair)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Limited Aide-Droid) (16)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Limited Aide-Droid) (64)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Pheromone Control) (26)
QL 80 Nano Crystal (Demotivate) (02)
QL 80 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Aggravated Serf)
QL 80 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Aggravated Serf)
QL 80 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Aggravated Serf) (62)
QL 80 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Aggravated Serf) (62)
QL 83 Instruction Disc (Motivational Speech: Bravery Overcomes) (26)
QL 87 Instruction Disc (Motivational Speech: Opportunity Knocks)
QL 87 Nano Crystal (Motivational Speech: Opportunity Knocks)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Terror Blast)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Terror Blast)
QL 97 Instruction Disc (Motivational Speech: Organizational Opportunitites) (24)
QL 100 Instruction Disc (Demotivational Speech: That is not on the Agenda) (24)
QL 100 Instruction Disc (Demotivational Speech: That is not on the Agenda)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Cubicle Dweller) (20)
QL 109 Instruction Disc (Captivated Thoughts)
QL 109 Nano Crystal (Captivated Thoughts) (05)
QL 109 Nano Crystal (Captivated Thoughts)
QL 109 Nano Crystal (Remembered Pain)
QL 110 Instruction Disc (Gallant Hero: The Angry Servitor) (24)
QL 110 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Angry Drudge)
QL 110 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Angry Drudge) (57)
QL 110 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Angry Drudge) (73)
QL 116 Instruction Disc (Musculature Command) (26)
QL 116 Nano Crystal (Musculature Command)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Corporate Leadership: Clemency)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Corporate Leadership: Clemency)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Corporate Leadership: Clemency)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Corporate Leadership: Clemency)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Corporate Leadership: Clemency) (53)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Corporate Leadership: Clemency) (64)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Corporate Leadership: Clemency) (65)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Corporate Leadership: Clemency)
QL 119 Nano Crystal (Executive-Grade Secretary-Droid) (03)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Director-Grade Secretary-Droid) (14)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Director-Grade Secretary-Droid) (47)
QL 124 NanoCrystal (Petition Freedom) (56)
QL 126 Nano Crystal (Greater Mass Illusory Paralysis) (01)
QL 130 Nano Crystal (Defamation 101) (03)
QL 131 Nano Crystal (Gallant Hero: The Bitter Clerk) (72)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Introspective Engagement) (48)
QL 132 Nano Crystal (Faithful Administrator-Droid)
QL 132 Nano Crystal (Limited Administrator-Droid)
QL 136 Instruction Disc (Unexpected Attack) (48)
QL 136 Instruction Disc (Unexpected Attack) (65)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Faithful Minion) (48)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Disciplinary Action) (48)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Enrapturing Bondage)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Lesser Fear of Attention) (65)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Motivational Speech: Implement Through Iteration)
QL 149 Nano Crystal (Advanced Minion) (11)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Supervisor-Grade Minion) (57)
QL 153 Instruction Disc (Demotivational Speech: Who Writes the Minutes?)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Primal Fear) (01)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Erasing Ray)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Charismatic Rapture) (30)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Director-Grade Bodyguard)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Demand Freedom) (56)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Shackles of Obedience) (20)
QL 175 Instruction Disc (Living Embalming)
QL 175 Instruction Disc (Living Embalming)
QL 175 Nano Crystal (Disjointed From Reality)
QL 175 Nano Crystal (Living Embalming)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Demotivational Speech: Certainty of Defeat)
QL 179 Nano Crystal (Total Mental Domination)
QL 185 Instruction Disc (Disrupted Psyche)
QL 185 Nano Crystal (Disrupted Psyche)
QL 186 Dirty Money Shadow Crystal (Motivational Speech: Heroic Measures) (66)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Contemplation)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Displace Thought Patterns)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)
QL 190 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Bitter Vassal)

QL 37 Instruction Disc (Minor Consuming Toxin) (15)
QL 37 Nano Crystal (Shatter Bone) (02)
QL 50 Instruction Disc (Counteract Damage) (48)
QL 50 Instruction Disc (Easing Touch) (15)
QL 50 Instruction Disc (Easing Touch) (15)
QL 53 Instruction Disc (Surgeon's Touch) (16)
QL 57 Instruction Disc (Superior Bodily Reinforcement) (16)
QL 60 Nano Crystal (Health Pump)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Advanced Frailty) (15)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Strengthen Resolve) (16)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Strengthen Resolve)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Team Checkup)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Team Checkup) (64)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Nano Bandage) (62)
QL 73 Nano Crystal (Biotoxin MK III)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Encode DNA Sequence) (20)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Exaggerated Health) (52)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Fast Team Tissue Repair)
QL 80 Nano Crystal (Abscess Explosion)
QL 83 Instruction Disc (Thorough Examination) (25)
QL 83 Instruction Disc (Thorough Examination) (64)
QL 83 Nano Crystal (Iron Circle) (02)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Advanced Nano Gorger) (25)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Nano Surgery) (47)
QL 96 Instruction Disc (Cleanse Wounds) (41)
QL 96 Instruction Disc (Superior Dress Wounds) (24)
QL 96 Nano Crystal (Cleanse Wounds)
QL 100 Nano Crystal (Mutagenic Venom) (41)
QL 100 Nano Crystal (Mutagenic Venom)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Experimental Panacea)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Metabolic Disassembly) (26)
QL 119 Instruction Disc (Superior First Aid) (89)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Incandescent Venom)
QL 129 Instruction Disc (Circulate Health) (70)
QL 129 Nano Crystal (Circulate Health) (80)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Enhanced Health Surge)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Medical Response) (66)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Greater Periodic Checkup) (66)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Autonomous Viral Agent) (89)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Bodily Purification)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Continuous Reconstruction) (66)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Basic Omni-Med Enhancement)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Basic Omni-Med Enhancement)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Greater Field Dressings) (59)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Life Balm) (48)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Parasitic Horde) (30)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Parasitic Horde)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Superior Metabolism Booster) (58)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Internal Renewal) (48)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Deep Tissue Repair) (66)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Team Compress Wounds) (89)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Superior Health Pump) (71)
QL 165 Instruction Disc (Gargantuan Health) (47)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Complete Healing)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Superior Life Reinforcement) (68)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Morgue Longings) (49)
QL 172 Nano Crystal (Greater Policy Payout)
QL 172 Nano Crystal (Halo of Health)
QL 175 Instruction Disc (Distributed Care) (14)
QL 175 Instruction Disc (Distributed Care) (28)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Superior Omni-Med Enhancement) (63)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Superior Omni-Med Enhancement)
QL 185 Instruction Disc (Uncontrollable Body Tremors) (53)

QL 47 Instruction Disc (Poison Stingers) (15)
QL 50 Instruction Disc (Fell Rage) (15)
QL 50 Instruction Disc (Fell Rage)
QL 54 Instruction Disc (Ward from Harm) (16)
QL 59 NanoCrystal (Thugs Joy) (02)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Immolation Shield) (64)
QL 66 Nano Crystal (Mongo Bash!)
QL 76 Nano Crystal (Brave Challenger to Gargantua) (02)
QL 76 Nano Crystal (Brave Challenger to Gargantua) (64)
QL 89 Instruction Disc (Skill of the Highlander) (47)
QL 113 Instruction Disc (Physical Dominance) (66)
QL 113 Nano Crystal (Physical Dominance) (41)
QL 130 Instruction Disc (Spine of Jelly)
QL 132 Nano Crystal (Glacial Cloak)
QL 133 Instruction Disc (Thugs Glory) (54)
QL 136 Instruction Disc (Mighty Challenger to Leviathan) (12)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Challenger to Behemoth) (73)
QL 139 Nano Crystal (Challenger to Behemoth) (03)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Mongo Crush!) (58)
QL 150 Instruction Disc (Dominate Foe)
QL 150 Instruction Disc (Failing Impregnability)
QL 150 Nano Crystal (Dominate Foe) (71)
QL 197 Instruction Disc (Skill of the Guillotine) (72)

QL 50 Instruction Disc (Patchwork Gladiatorbot) (16)
QL 50 Instruction Disc (Recondition Parts) (16)
QL 56 Nano Crystal (Enhance Combat Array) (02)
QL 57 Instruction Disc (Inferior Gladiatorbot)
QL 60 NanoCrystal (Intrusive Aura Cancellation) (02)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Common Gladiatorbot) (61)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Minor Harmonic Cocoon)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Minor Harmonic Cocoon) (24)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Minor Harmonic Cocoon) (61)
QL 70 Nano Crystal (Gladiatorbot)
QL 72 NanoCrystal (Sloughing Protective Barrier)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Trap Artifice)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Electrical Discharge Field) (61)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Electrical Discharge Field) (64)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Upgraded Gladiatorbot)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Sympathetic Arms Enhancement) (52)
QL 80 Nano Crystal (Advanced Gladiatorbot)
QL 83 Instruction Disc (Defensive Screen) (25)
QL 86 Instruction Disc (Superior Shielding Barrier) (49)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Feeble Guardbot)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Feeble Guardbot)
QL 90 Nano Crystal (Beacon Warp)
QL 90 Nano Crystal (Beacon Warp) (41)
QL 90 Nano Crystal (Patchwork Guardbot)
QL 90 Nano Crystal (Sympathetic Harmonic Field) (02)
QL 99 Instruction Disc (Flawed Guardbot) (61)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Common Guardbot)
QL 103 Nano Crystal (Superior Defensive Screen)
QL 109 Instruction Disc (Advanced Shielding Barrier)
QL 113 Nano Crystal (Disruptive Barrier Negator) (05)
QL 116 Instruction Disc (Advanced Guardbot)
QL 117 Instruction Disc (Assist Aggression Subsystem) (24)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Semi-Sentient Guardbot) (58)
QL 123 Nano Crystal (Semi-Sentient Guardbot) (03)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Advanced Defensive Screen)
QL 126 Nano Crystal (Advanced Defensive Screen)
QL 128 NanoCrystal (Conductive Spike) (56)
QL 128 NanoCrystal (Conductive Spike) (72)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Retaliatory Barrier) (66)
QL 133 NanoCrystal (Coherent Sloughing Defensive Shield) (55)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Extreme Prejudice) (30)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Extreme Prejudice)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Harmonic Cocoon)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Perfected Protective Field)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Perfected Protective Field) (75)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Citadel of Spikes)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Disruptive Photon Annihilator)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Entropy Weapon) (14)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Disruptive Phase Harmonics) (71)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Intricate Repairs)
QL 156 Nano Crystal (Flawed Force Field)
QL 158 Instruction Disc (Enhance Aggression Subsystem) (54)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Greater Harmonic Cocoon) (53)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Greater Harmonic Cocoon) (65)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Patchwork Warmachine)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Patchwork Warmachine)
QL 165 Instruction Disc (Greater Retaliatory Barrier) (65)
QL 166 NanoCrystal (Intrusive Aura of Sloth) (57)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Advanced Warmachine)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Force Field)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Perfected Warmachine) (63)
QL 175 Nano Crystal (Military-Grade Warmachine)
QL 176 Nano Crystal (Sympathetic Entropy Infusion) (80)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (A Maker's Touch) (53)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (A Maker's Touch) (75)
QL 182 Nano Crystal (Disruptive Retributive Negator)
QL 182 Nano Crystal (Semi-Sentient Wardroid) (89)
QL 185 Instruction Disc (Heavy Assault Force Field) (54)
QL 185 Instruction Disc (Slayerdroid Protector) (71)
QL 185 Instruction Disc (Slayerdroid Protector)
QL 185 Instruction Disc (Slayerdroid Protector)
QL 185 Instruction Disc (Slayerdroid Transference)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Aegis Barrier) (89)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Ultimate Force Field)
QL 189 Nano Crystal (Slayerdroid Guardian)
QL 189 Nano Crystal (Slayerdroid Sentinel) (41)

QL 24 NanoCrystal (Rebinding Sutures) (09)
QL 24 NanoCrystal (Rebinding Sutures) (09)
QL 27 NanoCrystal (Hack Grid Vector (Team)) (03)
QL 33 NanoCrystal (Suppressor)
QL 37 NanoCrystal (Hacked Diagnosis) (03)
QL 40 NanoCrystal (Grid Runner (Team))
QL 40 NanoCrystal (Grid Runner (Team)) (09)
QL 40 NanoCrystal (Grid Runner (Team)) (09)
QL 43 Instruction Disc (Net Cast Wide) (15)
QL 53 Instruction Disc (Kitchen-sink Surgery)
QL 54 Instruction Disc (Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-LXXX)) (15)
QL 60 Nano Crystal (Delay Retreat) (09)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Jury-rigged NCU Analyzer) (49)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Jury-rigged NCU Analyzer) (62)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Jury-rigged NCU Analyzer) (62)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Leech Grid Vector)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Leech Grid Vector) (61)
QL 63 NanoCrystal (Jury-rigged NCU Analyzer)
QL 66 Nano Crystal (Basic Policy Skim)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Blackmarket Prescription) (49)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Blackmarket Prescription) (49)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Blackmarket Prescription) (62)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Blackmarket Prescription) (62)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Blackmarket Prescription) (67)
QL 70 NanoCrystal (Blackmarket Prescription) (11)
QL 70 NanoCrystal (Blackmarket Prescription) (62)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Detailed Medical Claim) (49)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Major Suppressor) (15)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Major Suppressor) (61)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Major Suppressor) (62)
QL 73 NanoCrystal (Major Suppressor) (11)
QL 73 NanoCrystal (Major Suppressor) (61)
QL 73 NanoCrystal (Major Suppressor) (64)
QL 73 NanoCrystal (Major Suppressor) (67)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Grid Surfer (Team))
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Grid Surfer (Team))
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Grid Surfer (Team)) (30)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Grid Surfer (Team)) (49)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Grid Surfer (Team)) (52)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Grid Surfer (Team)) (61)
QL 76 NanoCrystal (Grid Surfer (Team)) (62)
QL 76 NanoCrystal (Grid Surfer (Team)) (62)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Nano Boost)
QL 83 Nano Crystal (Grid Surfer)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-CXX)) (20)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Biosign Rejuvenator) (24)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Biosign Rejuvenator) (49)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Biosign Rejuvenator) (72)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Deck Recoder) (53)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Deck Recoder) (62)
QL 93 NanoCrystal (Biosign Rejuvenator) (11)
QL 93 NanoCrystal (Biosign Rejuvenator) (11)
QL 93 NanoCrystal (Deck Recoder) (62)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-CXL))
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-CXL)) (52)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Greater Nano Net)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Greater Nano Net)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Partial Grid Jump (Team)) (25)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Partial Grid Jump (Team)) (58)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Partial Grid Jump (Team)) (58)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Partial Grid Jump (Team)) (73)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Supreme Suppressor) (12)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Supreme Suppressor)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Supreme Suppressor) (25)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Supreme Suppressor)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Supreme Suppressor) (47)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Supreme Suppressor) (58)
QL 106 NanoCrystal (Supreme Suppressor) (55)
QL 106 NanoCrystal (Supreme Suppressor) (56)
QL 107 Instruction Disc (Restock Ammo (Level OP-C)) (20)
QL 109 Instruction Disc (Nano Cauterization) (47)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Recompiling Memory Analyzer) (54)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Recompiling Memory Analyzer) (57)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Recompiling Memory Analyzer) (70)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Recompiling Memory Analyzer) (70)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Systolic Equalizer)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Systolic Equalizer) (57)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Systolic Equalizer) (69)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Systolic Equalizer) (70)
QL 123 NanoCrystal (Recompiling Memory Analyzer)
QL 123 NanoCrystal (Recompiling Memory Analyzer) (55)
QL 123 NanoCrystal (Recompiling Memory Analyzer) (57)
QL 123 NanoCrystal (Systolic Equalizer) (56)
QL 123 NanoCrystal (Systolic Equalizer) (70)
QL 123 NanoCrystal (Systolic Equalizer) (73)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Backyard Revitalization)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Backyard Revitalization) (55)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Backyard Revitalization) (72)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Grid Phase Accelerator (Team)) (54)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Grid Phase Accelerator (Team)) (70)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (QuarkStor NCU Core)
QL 132 NanoCrystal (Backyard Revitalization) (54)
QL 132 NanoCrystal (Grid Phase Accelerator (Team)) (55)
QL 132 NanoCrystal (QuarkStor NCU Core) (54)
QL 132 NanoCrystal (QuarkStor NCU Core) (58)
QL 132 NanoCrystal (QuarkStor NCU Core) (88)
QL 136 Instruction Disc (Spray With Lead) (48)
QL 136 Instruction Disc (Spray With Lead) (70)
QL 136 Instruction Disc (Spray With Lead) (73)
QL 136 NanoCrystal (Spray With Lead) (69)
QL 136 NanoCrystal (Spray With Lead)
QL 140 Instruction Disc (Ruinous Grid Jump)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Advanced Augmentation Cloud) (55)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Cellular Crashcart) (26)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Emergency Vector Tap) (30)
QL 146 NanoCrystal (Cellular Crashcart) (69)
QL 149 NanoCrystal (Active Viral Compressor) (60)
QL 149 NanoCrystal (Active Viral Compressor) (72)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Dr Hack 'n Quack) (14)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Dr Hack 'n Quack) (58)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Dr Hack 'n Quack) (75)
QL 152 Nano Crystal (Karma Harvest)
QL 152 NanoCrystal (Dr Hack 'n Quack) (69)
QL 152 NanoCrystal (Dr Hack 'n Quack) (75)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Gridspace Freedom (Team)) (57)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Gridspace Freedom (Team)) (68)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Gridspace Freedom (Team)) (73)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Gridspace Freedom (Team)) (73)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Shower With Lead) (47)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Spin Nanoweb)
QL 156 Nano Crystal (Spin Nanoweb)
QL 156 Nano Crystal (Spin Nanoweb)
QL 156 NanoCrystal (Gridspace Freedom (Team)) (69)
QL 156 NanoCrystal (Gridspace Freedom (Team))
QL 156 NanoCrystal (Shower With Lead) (73)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Meld With Grid Stream) (30)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Neural Interfaced Augmentation Cloud)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Sentient Viral Recoder) (56)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Sentient Viral Recoder) (71)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Sentient Viral Recoder) (72)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Shells) (54)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Shells) (71)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Shells) (71)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Shells)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Frenzy of Shells)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Re-Matrix Grid Vector) (78)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Shells)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Shells) (11)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Shells) (11)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Shells)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Shells) (88)

QL 50 Nano Crystal (Fury) (80)
QL 57 Nano Crystal (Fervor of the Devotee) (11)
QL 58 Nano Crystal (Tone of Purity) (02)
QL 60 Nano Crystal (Warden's Resolve) (03)
QL 75 Nano Crystal (Reaper) (01)
QL 92 Nano Crystal (Tone of Tranquility)
QL 126 Nano Crystal (Tone of Harmony) (70)
QL 146 Nano Crystal (Imminence of Warfare)
QL 146 Nano Crystal (Imminence of Warfare)
QL 162 Nano Crystal (Enervate Bindings)
QL 163 Nano Crystal (Venerated Sanctifier) (88)
QL 175 Nano Crystal (Tone of Benevolence) (57)
QL 183 Nano Crystal (Imminence of Bloodshed)
QL 192 Nano Crystal (Vengeance of the Holy) (66)
QL 193 Nano Crystal (Tone of Unity)
QL 194 Nano Crystal (Enervate Imprisonment) (41)
QL 198 Nano Crystal (Barrier of the Righteous)
QL 198 Nano Crystal (Barrier of the Righteous) (60)
QL 198 Nano Crystal (Barrier of the Righteous)
QL 198 Nano Crystal (Barrier of the Righteous)
QL 199 Nano Crystal (Discipline of the Vindicator)
QL 199 Nano Crystal (Discipline of the Vindicator)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Colossus of Swords)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Colossus of Swords)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Colossus of Swords)

Martial Artist
QL 43 Instruction Disc (Wooden Skin)
QL 57 Instruction Disc (Wind-Blown Blossom) (15)
QL 66 Nano Crystal (Fists of Fire) (67)
QL 86 Instruction Disc (Encourage Hatred) (47)
QL 86 Instruction Disc (Greater Steel Skin) (25)
QL 99 Nano Crystal (Major Shen Protection)
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Greater Team Healing Touch) (20)
QL 113 Instruction Disc (Presence of the Overlord) (69)
QL 113 NanoCrystal (Presence of the Overlord) (03)
QL 113 NanoCrystal (Presence of the Overlord) (70)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Greater Titanium Skin)
QL 123 Nano Crystal (Greater Titanium Skin) (41)
QL 129 Instruction Disc (Greater Restore Essence)
QL 132 Nano Crystal (Cohort)
QL 136 Instruction Disc (Partial Diamond Skin) (71)
QL 136 Instruction Disc (Seething Resentment) (71)
QL 142 Nano Crystal (Enlightened Aura of Healing) (11)
QL 142 Nano Crystal (Enlightened Aura of Healing)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Return Attack) (89)
QL 146 Nano Crystal (Supreme Shen Protection) (01)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Presence of the Dominator) (14)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Presence of the Dominator) (48)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Mark of Peril) (66)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Transcendent Shen Protection) (12)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Transcendent Shen Protection) (75)
QL 165 Nano Crystal (Fists of Stellar Harmony) (01)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Inner Peace, Outward Rage) (12)

QL 21 Instruction Disc (Instill With Rage)
QL 50 Nano Crystal (Superior Rage Materialization)
QL 53 Instruction Disc (Greater Rage Materialization) (48)
QL 53 Instruction Disc (Stifle Rage) (15)
QL 59 Instruction Disc (Creation: Vital Bucker)
QL 60 Nano Crystal (Notum Attunement) (09)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Unmake: MatMet) (20)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Creation: Viper Staff) (16)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Creation: Viper Staff)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Unmake: SenseImp) (16)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Unmake: SenseImp) (56)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Unmake: SenseImp) (67)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Unmake: SpaceTime)
QL 66 Nano Crystal (Unmake: SenseImp) (09)
QL 67 Instruction Disc (Anima of Relentless Fury) (16)
QL 67 Nano Crystal (Anima of Relentless Fury)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Unmake: PsyMod) (64)
QL 83 Instruction Disc (Inferior Wrath Incarnation)
QL 86 Nano Crystal (Wrath Incarnation)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Creation: Coplan's Hand Taipan) (26)
QL 90 Instruction Disc (Creation: Coplan's Hand Taipan) (30)
QL 93 Instruction Disc (Rage Abolishment)
QL 93 Nano Crystal (Greater Wrath Incarnation) (02)
QL 96 Instruction Disc (Supreme Wrath Incarnation) (25)
QL 100 Instruction Disc (Summoning of Ignatus Mind-Clouder)
QL 110 Instruction Disc (Anima of Fathomless Rage)
QL 115 Instruction Disc (Evocation of Implacable Hatred)
QL 115 Instruction Disc (Evocation of Implacable Hatred) (41)
QL 116 Instruction Disc (Rage Eradication)
QL 116 Nano Crystal (Rage Eradication)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Inferior Frenzy Embodiment)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Infuse With Knowledge: Material Metamorphose)
QL 129 Instruction Disc (Frenzy Embodiment) (14)
QL 130 Instruction Disc (Chant of Effortless Strikes) (24)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Superior Frenzy Embodiment) (58)
QL 139 Nano Crystal (Dominate: MatMet)
QL 143 Instruction Disc (Calling of The Vivificator)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Mind Banshee)
QL 147 Instruction Disc (Creation: Belthior's Flame Ward)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Notum Rejection)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Transcendent Frenzy Embodiment)
QL 153 Instruction Disc (Summoning of Duoco) (89)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (High Chant of Frenzied Blows) (63)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Glacial Lance) (58)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Glacial Lance)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Mocham's Neural Interface-Web) (59)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Summoning of Distral)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Enmity Personification) (78)
QL 160 Instruction Disc (Creation: Wixel's Notum Python) (59)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Mocham's Gift: MatMet) (64)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Mocham's Gift: SpaceTime) (49)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Nano Shutdown) (66)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (One Mind, One Purpose) (68)
QL 162 Nano Crystal (One Mind, One Purpose)
QL 164 Nano Crystal (Boon of Ergo - Enel-Thar)
QL 165 Instruction Disc (Greater Enmity Personification)
QL 165 Instruction Disc (Odin's Missing Eye) (56)
QL 167 Nano Crystal (Boon of Ergo - Enel-Thar) (62)
QL 173 Instruction Disc (Mind Quake)
QL 175 Instruction Disc (Transcendent Enmity Personification)
QL 176 Instruction Disc (Summoning of Balbuto the Gibberer)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Summon Lemur)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Wrath Abatement) (89)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (High Chant of Effortless Strikes)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Summon Fiend) (30)
QL 182 Nano Crystal (High Chant of Effortless Strikes)
QL 182 Nano Crystal (Summon Fiend)
QL 183 Nano Crystal (Boon of Ergo - Enel-Roch) (80)
QL 186 Instruction Disc (Calling of Belamorte) (12)
QL 186 Nano Crystal (Calling of Belamorte)
QL 187 Instruction Disc (Creation: Mocham's Guard) (14)
QL 187 Nano Crystal (Creation: Mocham's Guard) (01)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Instill With Malign Intent) (49)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Summon Cacodemon)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (53)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (54)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (54)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (56)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (60)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (60)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (63)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (65)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (66)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (67)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (67)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (67)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (68)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (68)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (68)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (71)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis)
QL 190 Instruction Disc (Creation: Gold Acantophis) (88)
QL 191 Nano Crystal (Boon of Ergo - Enel-Roch) (01)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Boon of Ergo - Enel-Xum) (01)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Boon of Ergo - Enel-Xum) (80)
QL 205 Instruction Disc (Creation: Shield of Asmodian) (52)
QL 205 Instruction Disc (Creation: Shield of Asmodian) (53)
QL 205 Instruction Disc (Creation: Shield of Asmodian) (53)
QL 205 Instruction Disc (Creation: Shield of Asmodian) (68)
QL 205 Instruction Disc (Creation: Shield of Asmodian)
QL 205 Instruction Disc (Creation: Shield of Asmodian)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (30)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Anima of Pure Malevolence)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (53)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (55)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (63)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (63)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (67)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Anima of Pure Malevolence)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (41)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (41)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (60)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (60)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence) (75)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence)
QL 212 Nano Crystal (Anima of Pure Malevolence)
QL 215 Instruction Disc (Creation: Azure Cobra of Orma)
QL 215 Instruction Disc (Creation: Azure Cobra of Orma) (30)
QL 215 Instruction Disc (Creation: Azure Cobra of Orma)
QL 215 Instruction Disc (Creation: Azure Cobra of Orma) (53)
QL 215 Instruction Disc (Creation: Azure Cobra of Orma) (60)
QL 215 Instruction Disc (Creation: Azure Cobra of Orma) (60)
QL 215 Instruction Disc (Creation: Azure Cobra of Orma)
QL 215 Instruction Disc (Creation: Azure Cobra of Orma)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination) (48)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination) (52)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination) (53)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination) (54)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination) (58)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination) (63)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination) (67)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination) (67)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination) (67)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination) (67)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination)
QL 239 Instruction Disc (Anima of The Abomination)

QL 30 Nano Crystal (Bewilder) (09)
QL 47 Nano Crystal (Curtain of Darkness) (09)
QL 50 Instruction Disc (Plasma Lights) (15)
QL 53 Instruction Disc (Energy Projectile) (52)
QL 57 Instruction Disc (Enveloping Darkness) (16)
QL 57 Instruction Disc (Enveloping Darkness) (47)
QL 57 Instruction Disc (Smiting Missile Mk II) (61)
QL 60 Instruction Disc (Dual Ion Stream) (61)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Shroud of Darkness) (15)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Shroud of Darkness)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Shroud of Darkness) (64)
QL 66 Instruction Disc (Viral Assault)
QL 70 Nano Crystal (Expanding Neutron Pulse)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Feet of Iron) (16)
QL 73 Instruction Disc (Feet of Iron)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Convergent Energy Beam) (61)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Eroding Spray)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Plasma Swirl) (15)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Radiation Scour)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Radiation Scour) (67)
QL 76 Nano Crystal (Radiation Scour) (02)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Enfraam's Major Fortification) (64)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Lightning Strike) (20)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Searing Agony)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Searing Agony) (61)
QL 83 Instruction Disc (Limited Shrapnel Spray) (53)
QL 83 Instruction Disc (Phosphor Torch) (67)
QL 83 Nano Crystal (Limited Shrapnel Spray)
QL 86 Instruction Disc (Blade Chaos) (25)
QL 86 Instruction Disc (Dense Matter Missile MK II)
QL 90 Nano Crystal (Particle Shower)
QL 99 Instruction Disc (Radioactive Cloud) (14)
QL 99 Instruction Disc (Radioactive Cloud)
QL 99 Nano Crystal (Condensed Pellet of Fire)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Chemical Liquefaction) (41)
QL 103 Instruction Disc (Dense Poison Fog) (26)
QL 103 Nano Crystal (Crystalizing Ray)
QL 103 Nano Crystal (Warp Time and Space: Newland) (03)
QL 103 Nano Crystal (Warp Time and Space: Newland)
QL 107 Nano Crystal (Advanced Layered Protection) (05)
QL 109 Instruction Disc (Dissolving Sphere)
QL 113 Nano Crystal (Bane of the Living) (05)
QL 113 Nano Crystal (Enfraam's Supreme Fortification)
QL 113 Nano Crystal (Team Warp Time and Space: West Athen)
QL 116 Instruction Disc (Micro Flechette Swarm)
QL 116 Nano Crystal (Focused Ray) (41)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Momentum Impaler) (47)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Momentum Impaler)
QL 123 Instruction Disc (Particle Accelerator)
QL 123 Nano Crystal (Particle Accelerator) (03)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Coronet of Frost)
QL 132 Nano Crystal (Liquefying Sphere)
QL 132 Nano Crystal (Toxic Spill) (05)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Chaos Lights) (66)
QL 139 NanoCrystal (Rend Constraints) (57)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Nanoblade Cloud) (49)
QL 142 Nano Crystal (Fiery Blast)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Isotope Waves)
QL 146 Nano Crystal (Collapsing Barrier)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Neural Stunner) (75)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Brutal Cornea Attack) (68)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Frigid Landscape) (75)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Linear Acceleration) (48)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Linear Acceleration)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Searing Stream) (75)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Team Fold Time and Space: Tir)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Team Fold Time and Space: Tir) (72)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Foul Eyeblighter) (59)
QL 162 Instruction Disc (Legions of the Eyeblighter) (71)
QL 162 Nano Crystal (Internal Combustion)
QL 162 Nano Crystal (Legions of the Eyeblighter)
QL 163 Instruction Disc (Fold Time and Space: Newland)
QL 163 Instruction Disc (Fold Time and Space: Newland)
QL 165 Instruction Disc (Feet of Lead)
QL 166 Instruction Disc (Living Codex of Izgimmer) (89)
QL 166 Nano Crystal (Team Fold Time and Space: West Athen)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Gravitational Anomaly) (12)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Superior Malign Devourer) (59)
QL 172 Instruction Disc (Superior Malign Devourer)
QL 172 Nano Crystal (Greater Searing Stream)
QL 175 Instruction Disc (Glacial Finality)
QL 179 Nano Crystal (Izgimmer's Obfuscated Recompiler)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Fleeting Immunity)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Izgimmer's Enveloping Flame)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Izgimmer's Enveloping Flame) (75)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Izgimmer's Mockery)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Quark Collapse) (49)
QL 182 Instruction Disc (Volcanic Eruption)
QL 185 Instruction Disc (Electrifying Containment)
QL 185 Instruction Disc (Izgimmer's Little Nuke) (89)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Burden of Atlas) (63)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Localized Dimensional Inversion) (12)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Localized Dimensional Inversion) (66)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Localized Dimensional Inversion)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Visions of the Void)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Warmth of the Grave)
QL 189 Nano Crystal (Localized Dimensional Inversion) (01)
QL 189 Nano Crystal (Localized Dimensional Inversion)
QL 189 Nano Crystal (Visions of the Void) (02)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Izgimmer's Last Word)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Izgimmer's Last Word)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Izgimmer's Last Word) (65)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Izgimmer's Last Word) (68)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Kel's Neutronium Plaything)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Kel's Neutronium Plaything)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Kel's Neutronium Plaything) (30)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Kel's Neutronium Plaything)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Kel's Neutronium Plaything) (54)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Kel's Neutronium Plaything) (65)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Kel's Neutronium Plaything)
QL 212 Instruction Disc (Kel's Neutronium Plaything)

QL 61 Nano Crystal (Primitive Dissipation) (80)
QL 122 Nano Crystal (Probe of Death) (05)
QL 122 Nano Crystal (Probe of Death)
QL 143 Nano Crystal (Touch of the Specter)
QL 154 Nano Crystal (Backpiercer) (69)
QL 154 Nano Crystal (Backpiercer) (75)
QL 163 Nano Crystal (Master Piercer)
QL 174 Nano Crystal (Voice of the Banshee)
QL 180 Nano Crystal (Shuffle of the Rogue)
QL 180 Nano Crystal (Shuffle of the Rogue)
QL 180 Nano Crystal (Shuffle of the Rogue)
QL 195 Nano Crystal (Duplex Wall) (80)
QL 196 Nano Crystal (Backstabber)
QL 198 Nano Crystal (Puncture of the Tarasque)
QL 198 Nano Crystal (Puncture of the Tarasque)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Kiss of the Vampire)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Kiss of the Vampire)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Kiss of the Vampire) (41)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Kiss of the Vampire)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Kiss of the Vampire)

QL 15 Nano Crystal (Minor Insult) (80)
QL 31 NanoCrystal (Metal Stream) (09)
QL 60 Instruction Disc (Total Mirror Shield Mk IV) (16)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Major Deflection Shield)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Major Deflection Shield)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Major Deflection Shield) (67)
QL 63 Instruction Disc (Ranged Energy Weapon Mastery) (64)
QL 70 Instruction Disc (Annoying Presence) (61)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Reactive Deflection Shield)
QL 80 NanoCrystal (Hail of Metal) (56)
QL 83 Instruction Disc (Reactive Deflection Shield (Extended)) (25)
QL 99 Instruction Disc (Partial Reflective Field (Extended))
QL 106 Instruction Disc (Total Mirror Shield Mk VI) (25)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Reflective Field (Extended)) (24)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Advanced Absorption Shield)
QL 136 Instruction Disc (Major Reflective Field) (14)
QL 136 Nano Crystal (Major Reflective Field) (11)
QL 139 Instruction Disc (Survivor's Resilience) (71)
QL 142 Instruction Disc (Perfected Absorption Shield) (69)
QL 152 Nano Crystal (Only You, Only Me)
QL 152 Nano Crystal (Only You, Only Me) (75)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Heavy Assault Absorption Shield)

QL 50 Instruction Disc (Ransack Skills) (16)
QL 54 Instruction Disc (Skill Wrangler Lesser) (16)
QL 74 Instruction Disc (Accomplished Health Haggler)
QL 74 Instruction Disc (Deep Thought) (52)
QL 74 Nano Crystal (Accomplished Health Haggler) (01)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Embrace of Greed)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Embrace of Greed)
QL 76 Instruction Disc (Embrace of Greed) (25)
QL 77 Instruction Disc (Team Skill Wrangler (Lesser)) (25)
QL 80 Instruction Disc (Journeyman: Electrical Engineering) (52)
QL 86 Instruction Disc (Ransack Skills (Advanced)) (25)
QL 86 Nano Crystal (Health Freeloader) (41)
QL 93 Nano Crystal (Divest Skills (Weak))
QL 99 Instruction Disc (Dubious Accounting) (61)
QL 100 Instruction Disc (Personal Grid Beacon) (41)
QL 107 Nano Crystal (Team Skill Wrangler (Major))
QL 113 Instruction Disc (Greater Health Freeloader) (26)
QL 113 Nano Crystal (Draw AC (Minor)) (05)
QL 113 Nano Crystal (Skill Wrangler (Advanced)) (05)
QL 123 Nano Crystal (Advanced Delayed Health Payment)
QL 126 Instruction Disc (Skill Wrangler (Superior))
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Flow of Time)
QL 132 Instruction Disc (Weak Health Plunder) (24)
QL 136 Nano Crystal (Digital Existence) (03)
QL 140 Instruction Disc (Superior Delayed Health Payment)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Imaginary Distractions) (47)
QL 146 Instruction Disc (Plunder Skills (Average)) (48)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Divest Skills (Lesser))
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Irresistible Health Haggler) (14)
QL 149 Instruction Disc (Irresistible Health Haggler)
QL 149 Nano Crystal (Greater Embrace of Greed) (03)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Maestro: Mechanical Engineering) (52)
QL 152 Instruction Disc (Maestro: Mechanical Engineering) (72)
QL 152 Nano Crystal (Plunder Skills (Lesser)) (05)
QL 153 Instruction Disc (Team Skill Wrangler (Greater))
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Maestro: Pharmaceutical) (75)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Maestro: Weapon Smithing)
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Redeem AC (Major))
QL 156 Instruction Disc (Skill Wrangler (Sophisticated)) (59)
QL 156 Nano Crystal (Divest Skills) (03)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Preeminent Health Haggler) (89)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Relentless Slayer) (12)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Relentless Slayer) (71)
QL 159 Instruction Disc (Thought Juggler) (68)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Relentless Slayer) (01)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Team Skill Wrangler (Sophisticated)) (03)
QL 160 NanoCrystal (Bought Indulgence) (72)
QL 165 Instruction Disc (Divest Skills (Major)) (89)
QL 165 Nano Crystal (Divest Skills (Major)) (03)
QL 165 Nano Crystal (Divest Skills (Major))
QL 165 Nano Crystal (Draw AC (Greater)) (75)
QL 169 Instruction Disc (Team Skill Wrangler (Exceptional)) (28)
QL 170 NanoCrystal (Gift of the Travelling Salesman) (88)
QL 175 Instruction Disc (Redeem AC (Greater))
QL 175 Nano Crystal (Greater Health Plunder) (80)
QL 176 Instruction Disc (Control Ends and Means)
QL 176 Instruction Disc (Skill Wrangler (Exceptional)) (53)
QL 176 Nano Crystal (Control Ends and Means) (60)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Divest Skills (Advanced)) (12)
QL 179 Instruction Disc (Divest Skills (Advanced)) (53)
QL 179 Nano Crystal (Divest Skills (Advanced))
QL 185 Instruction Disc (Forced Bankruptcy) (59)
QL 185 Nano Crystal (Armor Trade-In)
QL 186 Nano Crystal (My Brain For Your Brain)
QL 186 Nano Crystal (My Brain For Your Brain)
QL 189 Instruction Disc (Major Armor Distributor)
QL 189 Nano Crystal (Major Armor Distributor) (41)
QL 189 Nano Crystal (Skill Wrangler (Premium))